Healthier Holidays

Alas, we have embarked on the holidays.  First, Halloween with all its sweet treats and empty calories, before us is Thanksgiving with its rich, calorie-laden delights, and then for the triple whammy, weeks of Christmas celebrations complete with cookies.  What can we do to prevent ourselves from gaining unhealthy extra weight? Improving the quality of…

Eat Your Veggies!

Husband:  “What is this green slime you’ve hidden under my food?” Me:  “Wrong.  Correct question is, ‘What is this finely chopped dark green leafy vegetable you have lovingly prepared for my nutrition?’ He:  “See, you knew exactly what I was talking about when I said green slime.” Me:  “Eat it.  It’s good for you.” He: …

Holiday Sweets

The holidays are approaching and that means sugar. Lots of sugar. We Americans seem to be addicted to sweet things during the holidays. Halloween candy, Thanksgiving pies, Christmas cookies. I’m not here to suggest that you never have dessert, but it would be a good idea to eat healthier now so you can splurge in…

Better Eating

  I was waiting in a public place two days ago and had the opportunity to people watch.  What I saw saddened me.  Most people were overweight and lacked muscle tone.  Have you noticed?  Of course, extra pounds aren’t the only result of poor eating habits,  dark circles under the eyes and lack of energy…

Willpower and Dieting

“This means that in order to achieve long-term weight control you need to find healthy foods you actually enjoy eating, physical activities you like doing and spend your time making these as convenient and accessible as possible.” Dr. Darya Rose Neuro scientist, Dr. Darya Rose, gives some insight into the workings of our brains particularly…