
Once upon a time there was an apprentice.  She was earnest, but not particularly quick to learn.  Her instructor kindly and patiently repeatedly took her step by step over the process necessary to master the skill.  It had been a slog, yet her instructor always encouraged her.  The instructor knew that the apprentice needed to…


Ever been annoyed by a friend or family member who you like, but some parts of their personality just rub you the wrong way?  You recognize their positive character traits and you appreciate the things they do for others, but one of their quirks turns you off.  We have a choice when someone’s fault bothers…

Grit or Grace?

I don’t care for ladders.  This may have something to do with my discomfort with heights.  (Heights is any time my feet are more than  three feet from the ground.)  Some of you are snickering at the ridiculousness of my fear, but some of you are nodding with empathy.  So in the case of fears,…