
One of our daughters excelled at running track in high school.  Many of her competitors had longer legs than she, but she was quicker out of the blocks and had a burning desire to win.  On this particular day, she was at a district meet.  As usual, she was first out of the blocks and…


I faced the new year with a mix of hope and fear.  Hope that I could figure out ways to accomplish my goals.  (What are worthy goals, anyway?). And fear that I’m too old, too stuck in old ruts, too lacking in courage and resources to move past the roadblocks.  Do you ever wonder why…


Bah, Humbug!  To be honest, that’s how I felt about Christmas this year.  In particular, about gift giving.  I felt overwhelmed before I even gave it rational thought.  I was defeated before I even tried.  With 15 widely scattered grandchildren and very limited income, it seemed impossible.  So I just gave up.   Funny how…

Things We Can’t See

  Disclaimer:  I don’t want to be a drama queen and make such a big deal of a small thing.  My difficulty with claustrophobia in MRI machines is minor compared to the suffering of so many others who are in intense physical and emotional pain.  I share this blog only because I hope the lessons…

Thin Ice

I can do this.  I pictured myself relaxed and calm entering the MRI machine.  Yes, I had even practiced by putting my head in dark, enclosed places.  Husband cracked up when I told him I put my head in our small RV closet to practice not being afraid in tight quarters.  Everything was going to…

A Pain in the Neck

My neck is killing me.  Ok, so not killing me literally.  Ever had a stiff neck that wouldn’t go away?  Better check your posture.  A couple of months ago my massage therapist recommended that I work on my posture.  Yep, I knew I needed to improve that.  However, it sure isn’t a one-time decision to…