Kitchen Organization and Mother’s Day Flowers

Sure am enjoying having a real kitchen with more than four dishes, baking equipment, an oven, a stand mixer instead of a $10. hand mixer, serving dishes, a drawer full of silverware, a spacious refrigerator, and a counter to work on.  I feel wealthy.  I don’t take all this for granted as I remember my…

Moving In

“It’ll be so nice when we have running water.”  In no time, we have water that comes out of a faucet instead of a big pan on the shower floor. “It’ll be great when we have hot water.”  Shortly, there is hot water to bathe in. “I sure love having a sink and vanity.  What…

This and That

Ever feel intimidated by the prospect of refinishing a tired piece of stained wood furniture?  We were discouraged when we unpacked our dining table this week and found gouges on the table top from moving.  But we were able to sand and refinish and get it back to pretty in a jiffy.  I can heartily…

“Aging” Galvanized Steel

Ever get a decorating idea in your head that keeps popping back up until you do something about it?  About six months ago I became intrigued with the look of aged galvanized steel and the look of aged zinc. The idea of aged zinc had to be scrapped for two reasons;  it was darker than…


I can hear Husband outside the window cutting the final pieces for our little porch.  What’s the big deal?  The porch is the last major project in our house building adventure.  Some small jobs like doorknobs, an outside light, and glass for the  Craig’s List garage door remain, but we are finally on the home…

Closet System

I had the privilege of getting our new closet system this past week.  Let me share some tips should you be considering a new closet system. Poor Husband.  The closet system fell heavily on him.  (As has the whole building project!)  He hates going to Ikea, but the very reasonable cost of the system enticed…