Tools of the Trade

Your life is different than mine.  All of the tools in this article won’t fit your needs, but it’ll be worth the read if you find one tool that will make your jobs at home easier, more efficient, or quicker. Kitchen tools I wish I had bought these tools years ago: Digital meat thermometer with instant…

How to Hang Art

These tips are adapted from Better Homes and Gardens website.  read it here “People have a tendency to hang art too high,” says Linda Crisolo, director of merchandising. “The center of the image should be at eye level.” In living rooms, people are usually sitting, so artwork should be lower. A good way to…

Diggin’ It

Many of you have followed our house building adventure for the past year plus.  You’ve heard me mention, ok, complain about the piles of dirt outside our windows.  Read here and Here  After almost a year of waiting, we realized that our original excavator wasn’t going to be able to come back.  I had been telling the…

Savoring Beauty

Stop for a minute.  Look around you right now.  What is beautiful?  What can you see that makes your eye linger in delight?  What makes you take a deep breath of appreciation?  A sigh of contentment? As I sit at my desk in our office/playroom, I can look out one of our living room windows…

Slay Your Niggles!

Slay your niggles! What, you ask, are niggles?  And why should I slay them? According to the Oxford Dictionary, Niggle- to cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety I was introduced to the concept years ago by a dear neighbor who was supremely organized.  I can picture her now saying, “Oh, you know, those…

Designing Your Home for What You Love

Think of the happiest moments in your day.  Talking with a loved one.  Sharing a home-cooked meal with family.  Reading.  Stopping to appreciate a flower or a sunset out the window.  Holding a child.  Communicating with a friend via email.  Having friends over. Have you given thought to designing your home to facilitate your favorite…