Thin Ice

I can do this.  I pictured myself relaxed and calm entering the MRI machine.  Yes, I had even practiced by putting my head in dark, enclosed places.  Husband cracked up when I told him I put my head in our small RV closet to practice not being afraid in tight quarters.  Everything was going to…

Healthy Thanksgiving

These two articles on mini walks encouraged me.  It’s easier for me to take 3 short walks than one longer walk, but I was afraid short walks weren’t good enough.  These two articles which I have combined put my mind at ease. Mini Walks Add Up Plan mini walks into three parts of your day….

Holiday Sweets

The holidays are approaching and that means sugar. Lots of sugar. We Americans seem to be addicted to sweet things during the holidays. Halloween candy, Thanksgiving pies, Christmas cookies. I’m not here to suggest that you never have dessert, but it would be a good idea to eat healthier now so you can splurge in…


  “You look so good this morning,” sweetly said Husband at the breakfast table. Note to self;  better do face massage before breakfast instead of after from now on. Feel blah and heavy in the morning?  Not a morning person?  Try massaging your face and neck for a quick pick-me-up that actually accomplishes a medical…

A Pain in the Neck

My neck is killing me.  Ok, so not killing me literally.  Ever had a stiff neck that wouldn’t go away?  Better check your posture.  A couple of months ago my massage therapist recommended that I work on my posture.  Yep, I knew I needed to improve that.  However, it sure isn’t a one-time decision to…

Eat Your Veggies!

Healthy eating is a hot topic.  All of us can improve in this area, but what should our goals be? My food goals are to eat 2 cups of veggies, 2 cups of fresh fruit and avoid sugar. So how many veggies should we try to eat a day?  The government recommendation is 2.5 cups for…