Jungle Memories

While sheltering in place, Husband and I have found a fun activity to do at home that has given us chuckles and lightened our mood- looking at old family photos.  Our family photos are a bit novel because we lived overseas for ten years when our children were young.  The first five years we lived…

A Divine Time-Out?

  A prominent person in my business circle referred to her period of downtime when she was unable to work due to a physical condition, a divine time-out.  I couldn’t help but relate that to our current national circumstances. Sometimes God has to get our attention.  Natural disasters, pandemics, stock market crashes, all have a…

Living Generously

I’m quite sure babysitting a youngster wasn’t on her bucket list when she was in her eighties.  Yet she took on the responsibility with grace and during those years she instilled in me things that have shaped me ever since. She gave me what she had- time and attention.   During the Lenten season giving…

Uplifting Conversations

This is a super quick read because you’re probably super busy today.  Did you know that giving thanks isn’t always just between you and God? Giving thanks also involves others.  Not long ago a sweet friend shared how God had intervened when they were house hunting.  They had decided to move closer to her daughter…

One Ingredient for Happiness

Ever reminisce about past holidays?  Today I was thinking about one particular Thanksgiving that brought out the best in our family.  Especially in our then 14-year-old daughter who planned, shopped, and cooked the entire Thanksgiving meal for our large family.  And our 17-year-old daughter who drove younger daughter to the grocery store, baked 9 pies (the…

When You’re Blessed and You Know It

This week we finally took care of a situation that was adversely affecting a third of our lives.  Yep.  We ditched our uncomfortable mattress and got a new, better one.  So what’s noteworthy about that?  Just this- it stirred up that ugly ogre that lives in my brain.  It often accuses me.  That beast hissed,…