“I married a monster.” I was shocked and saddened to hear an acquaintance thus describe her marriage. I love to hear people’s stories! I mean stories of their lives, more than just an anecdote or two. But yesterday after that life story, I couldn’t shake the sadness. Listening was painful, and my mind couldn’t let…
Author: Grandma Grace
We all make hundreds of decisions every day. Some of those decisions are about how we spend the next ten minutes. We can use those minutes constructively or wile them away in mindless entertainment. What are we actively doing today to nourish spirit, mind, emotions, and body? What am I doing to nourish my spirit?…
Day of the Dead
The past six weeks have grieved all of us as one catastrophe followed another. Such devastation and loss of life from hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, and a mass shooting! But did you know that we Americans celebrate a holiday which may be commemorating an ancient worldwide catastrophe? I’m intrigued by the theory that “Day of the…
Coffee Without
Cold brew coffee has improved my marriage. Weird? Yes. You see, Husband HATES coffee. He hates the smell of it brewing, he hates the taste, and he can’t imagine why I would want to drink it. In the past, I just waited till he was out of the house and I made a quick cup…
The Power of Words
We just got home from a visit with Husband’s dear parents now in their late eighties. Let me share a story with you that my mother-in-law told me. Many years ago her brother met a girl in Australia while he was in the Navy. He thought he wanted to marry her, but things didn’t work…
8 Health Hacks
It’s better to have a pain in the neck, than to be one! Here are 8 hacks for common health problems. Please do research before following any of these suggestions. If you are taking prescription medications be sure to check with your doctor first. Supplements are powerful and can cause drug interactions. If you…