8 Health Hacks

It’s better to have a pain in the neck, than to be one!

Here are 8 hacks for common health problems.  Please do research before following any of these suggestions.  If you are taking prescription medications be sure to check with your doctor first.  Supplements are powerful and can cause drug interactions.   If you are already taking over-the-counter meds for one of these conditions, stop taking them before starting a supplement for that condition.

DGLStomach Discomfort/gas–  Licorice extract.  Make sure you get DGL Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice because regular licorice taken daily can lower your blood pressure too much.  Drink live culture Kombucha with meals.  If it’s live cultures, only drink 4 0z three times a day.  If it isn’t live, it probably won’t do your gut much good, but you can drink all you want.







Heart Palpitations, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), irregular heartbeat (Atrial Fibrillation or A Fib)- Magnesium and multi-mineral supplement.  This has been a game changer for me.  Magnesium helps, but adding the multi-mineral supplement made a huge difference for me.




Neck and Back Pain

spine roll sidespine roll frontPosture Retraining- When my neurologist referred me to a physical therapist I was disappointed to hear her say, “I know you have lower back pain as well as neck pain.  But I always work from the head down.”  I thought, “Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait to get relief from lower back pain.”  Ha!  Little did I know that addressing the way I carried my head would hugely improve not only my neck pain, but my lower back pain as well!  Who knew your lower back is greatly impacted by your head?  Keeping the head in alignment with the spine by pulling the chin back (ears over shoulders) allows the weight of the head to be carried by the spine without stress on the neck and back.  How many times have we heard, pull your shoulders back and drop them?  But did you know that you can pull your shoulders back and still have unhealthy posture?  Your head must also be pulled back.  Remind yourself to pull your chin in.  Leaning against a roll will remind you to use good posture.  Use a rolled up bath towel placed longitudinally along spine instead of across lower back when sitting at your desk or in the car.  Or buy a foam roll from a physical therapist.

neck roll



More neck pain relief-  Hand towel and washcloth rolled up together and secured with rubber bands- lie on back with knees supported by pillow.  Place towel roll under neck so that head doesn’t actually touch the bed, about a finger width above bed.  Relax face and neck and allow gravity to pull head back.  Done twice a day, helps neck pain in conjunction with corrected posture.






Vit B



Low energy– Vitamin B helps energy levels.  Be sure to take it in the morning or at least before 1:00pm, or you’ll be wide awake at bedtime! A few days  after we suggested Vitamin B complex to a young friend for his exhaustion, I asked if it had helped.  He said, “Yeah, it helped so much I can’t sleep!”  Then I remembered that I had forgotten to tell him to take Vitamin B early in the day or else it will keep you awake.

Keep in mind that low thyroid can cause low energy.  Ask your doctor to run a simple blood test to get readings on your thyroid.




Brain Fog– CoQ10 is wonderful for dispelling that head-in-a-cloud, can’t concentrate feeling that seems common during menopause and after.  It’s also good for the cardio-vascular system.








Achy Joints–  There are many articles on this subject you should read! This is only my personal experience.  Do research for yourself if this is your issue.  Powdered turmeric powder helps me.  A heaping spoonful in a little applesauce daily.  Glucosamine/Condroitin tablets have made a difference for me.  And not eating wheat.  Please don’t go gluten free unless there’s a medical reason.  It’s a fad right now along with refusing all grains.  I think whole grains offer a lot of nutrition for fairly low cost.  Be sure you need to cut these before jumping on the bandwagon.  In my case, wheat makes every joint in my body ache, so I stay away.  Wondering if our methods of agriculture have something to do with why so many folks are not able to tolerate wheat these days.  Perhaps herbicides and GMO?  I’m not an authority, just wondering.





Sinus Problems caused by allergies– Stinging Nettle Leaf can help with allergies air-borne allergies.  Must be patient because it takes a week to kick in after you begin taking.  Some folks get relief sooner.  Some folks don’t get relief at all.  Many do.  Doesn’t clear all symptoms 100%.  But for a lot of relief with no side effects, I’m happy.  Also helps with itchy, watery eyes from allergies.





Migraines– Butterbur and Feverfew herbs.  Must take 75 mg. of Butterbur consistently morning and evening.  500 mg of Feverfew once a day.  These reduced the severity of my migraines, but getting thyroid treatment eliminated them.  Every person has migraines for different reasons.  I know this won’t help everyone.  Some antibiotics can bring on migraines.  Read your info pamphlet or get online if you are taking antibiotics and getting migraines.

I buy my supplements online at swansonsvitamins.com  They are very reasonably priced.  The best buys I’ve found.  Not the fastest shipping, but you can pay a little extra for expedited shipping which is lightening fast.

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