Happy and Strong

Why am I thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas when it isn’t even summer yet?!  What do the holidays have to do with my burning questions about whether God is happy and whether he’s happy with me?  Some of you can identify with where I’m coming from in my hang-up with feelings of falling short.  Some…

Is God Happy with Me?

What does God think of me?  Recently I had the privilege of getting some personalized soul care.  The wise woman who had been mentoring me over the past 5 months had suggested that another woman join us for a time of guided prayer as we wrapped up our study together.  During this time, I was…


Does it seem irreverent to say that God loves a good party?  Husband and I are feeling so blessed the last two weeks.  We’ve enjoyed a granddaughter’s birthday party, another granddaughter’s high school musical, a granddaughter’s school Mother’s Day tea, and a good Mother’s Day which included visiting with family, happy talking, eating, and laughing. …

 On the anniversary of her death recently, I realized it had been fifty years since my mother went home to be with Jesus.  That’s a long time ago!  Even at the time, although I had a very close relationship with her, I didn’t begrudge her the release from the illness that had drained the life…

When We’re Criticized

  Ever been accused of something and you just wanted to defend yourself?  Convince the other party that you’re right?  That their accusation is wrong?  Fight for yourself?  Yep, me too.  That’s called Ego.  Our pride bristles at criticism.  So we can cross swords and fight back or we can refuse to engage and find…

When Life Doesn’t Make Sense

His scream tore the early morning air as his body hurtled toward the rocks below. Just one misstep and his young life was snuffed out.  One minute he was preparing his ropes for rock climbing, the next he was dead. Today one of our adult daughters called and recounted this unexpected loss of her 19-year-old…