Painful News

I had barely read the text from a family member when the wave of pain hit me.  I couldn’t sit still.  I had to get up and walk.  As I paced the hall trying to breathe, I was appalled at the speed and ferociousness of the physical pain that was obviously mirroring my inner pain. …

Made for Beauty

Connecting with beauty- what kind of beauty resonates with you?  How can you make time to appreciate that beauty?  How can you grow in that beauty? Each of us is uniquely created.  Part of that is how you are equipped to respond to different beauties.  We hear beautiful music and it moves us; that is…


Ever been annoyed by a friend or family member who you like, but some parts of their personality just rub you the wrong way?  You recognize their positive character traits and you appreciate the things they do for others, but one of their quirks turns you off.  We have a choice when someone’s fault bothers…


Many of my readers have slogged through a lot of posts about us living in an RV while we, actually Husband, built our little retirement house.  You may recall the God story when an excavator volunteered his time and machines to get rid of the piles of dirt around our house. Read here.   He had told…


The blog I wrote for this week needs to wait for a more appropriate time, so I pulled this from the blog archives.  Written over two years ago, I’m so happy to report that the Lord has faithfully been changing me from the inside out.  He has helped me put my eyes on him more…

Healthy Thinking

Husband’s close relative gave birth to conjoined twins.  One baby died a month later after the separation surgery.  The other died less than four years later after suffering multiple health issues and surgeries.  Yet the grieving mother put herself in the hands of her loving heavenly Father and was enabled to move forward, even having…