Is there someone in your life who is trustworthy? You know they will do their best to keep their word? When they promise, they mean to keep that promise. Their word seals the deal. Yet even the best-intentioned humans fail. They can’t keep their promise because they get sick, or even die before making good…
Author: Grandma Grace
Merry Christmas!
I had two experiences this week that reminded me of why Christmas matters. When you read these two stories you may not see what their connection to Christmas is. It didn’t strike me until later how the Christmas story and my experiences are related. A sixteen-year-old in our community was killed recently in an auto…
When We Don’t Understand
Two days ago from this writing, our friends lost their firstborn, 16-year-old son, in a car accident on his way to school. Two younger sons were in the car with him. They weren’t seriously hurt. Kind, gentle, serious, good student, good athlete, good to his siblings, genuine Christian, active in his church, loving toward his…
Thanksgiving 2021
Here are some of my favorite verses. Let them soak into your heart and mind. God’s Spirit will remind you of them when you need them. I’m thankful for each of you. Thank you for patiently reading my blog with all its flaws. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
Giving Thanks for Our Future
My friend and her husband had been raised in a cult. It was the kind of cult that controls your personal life to an alarming degree. But several years ago they began questioning the cult, realizing its teachings didn’t align with the Bible. They decided to put their faith in the Jesus of the Bible as…
Holidays Remembered
A friend of ours had an unsettled and difficult childhood. She only ever got one Christmas gift from her father, a cherished doll that was later lost in one of many moves after her parents separated. Her mother lived with one man after another, moving often. Yet our friend who had so little as a…