My good friend got a frightening diagnosis. I hadn’t experienced her pain, but I got her in touch with a family member who had. We prayed earnestly for years for our friends’ son who had drifted. Why were we so committed? Because we personally understood their pain. A friend’s brother committed suicide. Who was…
Author: Grandma Grace
Friends of God
Every page of Scripture is the story of God wanting a relationship with the people he created. This is shocking. Why would he bother? He has the good and powerful angels to keep him company and do his will perfectly. Most of all, he has the sweet, deep fellowship of Father, Son, and Spirit together…
Loyal Friend
Many years ago there was a young couple who left their homeland with three young children and a pregnant wife to live for an indefinite period of time in a country across the ocean. When they arrived in a teeming city of 6 million, they were completely out of their element. They were country folk…
How to Decide What to Believe
After reading a children’s book yesterday, I stopped and assessed why I felt vaguely uncomfortable with the message. It was a fun and delightful book, but something was off. I asked Dear Husband for input. Together we decided what was missing from the book’s message in light of Scripture. We agreed that there was a…
It Takes Courage and Faith
Are you facing a task that seems too big for you? Great! Now you get to watch God work! When our strength is small, God’s power is unleashed. He gets the glory instead of us. Here’s an example of God working that I’ve been watching for the past nine months. About 30 families regularly attend…
Still Faithful, Still Fruitful
Dear Husband’s parents are in their early nineties. For the fifty years that I have known them, they have been an example to me. They have always been givers. Not just giving their money, but also their time and skills to their church and to anyone in need. Lately their bodies are tired and they…