The splendor and wealth of their foreign visitors had made his head spin. Lying there in the dark after their departure, Joseph calmed his thoughts by reciting a prayerful Psalm. But after all that excitement, it was hard to fall asleep. With a prayer of thanks on his lips, he finally drifted into sleep. But…
Author: Grandma Grace
She could never have imagined that she was about to be plunged into a life of challenge, change, conflict, misunderstanding, and danger. Like any young woman her age, she was looking forward to her wedding. It would be a lovely occasion and just the beginning of a happy, contented life with a kind and thoughtful…
Why the Manger?
Why would the Creator of the universe lower himself to the lowest human status? If God planned the entrance of his own Son into the human realm, couldn’t he have done better than an animal feeding trough for a makeshift crib?! Why would the Babe enter as a displaced person with nowhere to sleep? Wasn’t…
Making Room
I always wondered how the shepherds found Mary and Joseph and the Baby out of all the animal sheds in Bethlehem since many people kept animals. Here is my idea: What if there was only one hostel, inn, or guest house in Bethlehem? It was a small town, after all, with about 300-600 people according…
The Christmas Story Begins
The beginning of the Christmas story is the story of an old couple. There is no age limit to being part of God’s story. Only after the old couple is introduced does Mary, the mother of the Messiah, come onto the scene. There is a striking juxtaposition of an obedient old couple and an obedient…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Did you know that God loves celebrations? In fact, he even commanded his people in Israel to come together and enjoy eating together and worshipping together. This blog will be short and sweet followed by pretty pictures. I know you’re busy, but I also know your soul needs food as much as your body. So…