Imagine standing in the Louvre art museum admiring a giant masterpiece created centuries ago by a famous artist. Suddenly someone dashes in front of you and throws a bucket of black paint all over the artwork! Horrified, you stand speechless as the dark paint runs down over the beautiful image.
“So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27
God chose to express his characteristics in two variants. Both are like God, but God used two forms to showcase what he is like. (Only two forms, BTW.) Both male and female humans mirror their Maker. Then the joining of the two image-bearers reflects the relationship of God to his people. Such sacred images! No wonder the enemy of our souls is working so hard to ruin the beautiful picture. He throws splatters of confusion on God’s lovely masterpiece. He blurs the lines and smears the colors. He scorns the roles of men and women. He promotes discontent with our God-given bodies and remakes them into a sordid caricature. He incites immorality. He belittles union and emphasizes independence. He tempts us to overreach our necessary roles and misuse our power. He substitutes friendships or sex for a lifetime commitment. He pretends that our identity is based on our own whims instead of who God says we are. He ridicules self-sacrifice and elevates self-centeredness. He tells us we’re too busy doing important or fun things to waste our time caring for children.
In spite of all this ugliness, we women in our daily lives can help restore the beautiful image. We can reflect what God is like because he did make us in his image. Of course, we never do this perfectly because we sin. But in our best moments, we show others that God cares for us; that he sustains us; that he stays with us through all circumstances; that he guides us; that he loves us in spite of our faults; that he teaches us. Our behavior shows that he is close and involved in the details of our lives; that he listens; that he’s accessible, patient with our shortcomings, and forgiving. Like him, we bring life into the world and nurture it. We’re generous, and concerned for others even to the point of self-sacrifice just like him. We mirror his gentleness, kindness, and humility.
Women in partnership with God have the privilege and responsibility of bringing new life into the world. Our bodies are made to nourish a child before and after birth. Even if we never have the privilege of being mothers physically or our children are gone, we have the privilege and responsibility of being mothers emotionally and spiritually to those around us. We can give love, support, and spiritual life and nourishment to those we come in contact with.
Yet women don’t have a corner on the market for godly characteristics. And neither do men. Both male and female reflect God. Because of this, fathers’ and mothers’ duties overlap and complement. The father must protect his family, and mothers also protect by having their husbands’ backs and shielding their children. The father should provide financially, and the mother uses those finances wisely. And sometimes she also earns money or has financial resources. In the case of single mothers, she is the sole provider, of course. Fathers must discipline and so must mothers. Fathers should lead by example and so should mothers. Fathers should be strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. And so should mothers. Fathers should teach their children to love God and so should mothers.
Now if all of this responsibility and high calling feels daunting, don’t assume we have to muster up the good characteristics necessary. As we’re all painfully aware we can’t live up to these standards on our own. But good news! God helps us! He knows what we’re like and is willing to give us what we lack. His Spirit helps us demonstrate God’s love, joy, peacefulness, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
“the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:13

Did you ever think about the fact that God mothers us moment by moment? Some of us had loving and kind mothers, others didn’t. But we all have a God who is the perfect mother and father to us. His Spirit is with us every minute after we put our trust in his Son. He teaches us what God is like. He helps us understand that God is magnificent, glorious, and infinite yet he stoops down to listen and help. He is powerful and gentle. God’s Spirit within guides us each day so we know which way to go. He reminds us of what God wants us to do, and enables us to do it. The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses.
“the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” Jesus in John 14:26
“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
Links to past Mother’s Day blogs