Grumbling or Gratitude?

I had just gotten into the ‘groove’ of a PhotoShop project and was deep in concentration enjoying the challenge.  Time rolled by unnoticed while I was in my happy zone.  Uh, oh.  Drat!  Don’t tell me it’s supper time already!  Can I steal a few more minutes?  Why do we have to eat three times a day?!  Food is such a hassle.  I don’t want to stop this to do such a menial task as cooking.  Grumble. Whine.  Complain.  Hmmm, attitude check time.

“It’s better to live alone in the desert than with a quarrelsome, complaining wife.“  Proverbs 21:19

Do you have a friend who complains about work she has to do?  Her grumbling drags you down, doesn’t it?  What if you have a ‘friend’ in your own head like that?  What if you regularly complain to yourself even if you don’t actually say it to others?  How do you turn off that negative voice?

Several months ago I read a short article by a lady I admire who coaches online.  What she wrote really hit home to me.  She said she had a big project to accomplish that week which she had been putting off because it was daunting.  Her attitude had been, “I have to do this, but it’s hard, so I don’t want to do it.”  When she realized her whining, negative attitude, she stopped that talk in her head by looking at her project from a different viewpoint.  She realized she had helpful information that others needed.  She became motivated by the fact that she could help others improve their lives by completing this project.  She was able to change the talk in her head from, “This is hard, so I don’t want to do this.” To, “This is hard, but I’m happy to do it because I’m so thankful I can help others.”

Jesus is our example of pushing through a hard job for the sake of others while looking forward to the joy ahead and our reward from God.  Jesus endured the ghastly experience of crucifixion knowing that his sacrifice was worth it to save us.  I think he pictured himself joyfully present with his Father accompanied by all us undeserving sinners he had paid the entrance price for.

“ We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.”  Hebrews 12:2

Some days I feel the burden of writing a weekly blog.  Then I remember that it’s my privilege to pass along what God has given me.  I feel like the disciples of Jesus who passed out the miraculous food so all those thousands of hungry people could eat.  The disciples didn’t have to manufacture the food.  They simply took what Jesus gave them and passed it along.  They all had enough and more.  Like the disciples, I don’t have to manufacture anything.  I just take what God shows me and pass it along for the good of others and me.  Like them, I just have to be close enough to Jesus so he can give it to me.

What duties/responsibilities can seem like a burden to you?  Why not stop the negative thinking and remember Who is able to give you the resources to accomplish the job at hand?  Then review who your work is benefitting.  BTW, it always has some benefit for you, too!

For instance, I have the responsibility to cook every day.  It can be burdensome.  But I change my attitude by reminding myself that God is generously providing good food for dear Husband and me and even enough to share with others who need a meal and more importantly, need fellowship.  I remember that I’m abundantly blessed to have fresh food which is a privilege so many in the world can’t enjoy.  Then I recognize that God also gives me the physical strength to stand in the kitchen and do the preparation.  Again, a blessing many don’t experience.  Then I think about the blessing of creativity.  God made us creative like him.  I don’t have to cook the same food the same way.  I can invent new ways to cook what I have.  I take seriously the responsibility to cook healthy food to promote our health so we can be what others need us to be.  God provides the raw materials, strength, creativity, and commitment.  I just pass it along for the good of others and myself.  And for their enjoyment and mine!

“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.”  Another translation says, “Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.”  1 Peter 4:9

The next time we have a challenging (or boring) job, let’s not complain.  Let’s stop for a minute to assess.
Is this something God gave me to do?  (Or am I taking on something that isn’t meant for me?)
Do I believe God can provide everything needed to accomplish this job?  Strength, creativity, commitment, and raw materials?  And am I thanking him for that?
Will the work I’m doing benefit others?  Myself?   Keeping that good outcome in mind motivates me as does the fact that God sees and rewards faithfulness.  Instead of, “I have to ______,” it becomes, “I get to______.”

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.  Do everything without complaining and arguing. . .I will be proud . . . that my work wasn’t useless . . . your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy.  Yes, you should rejoice.  Philippians 2:13-14,16-18

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  1. Joy says:

    You always write so beautifully and so heartfelt emotions, Lorelei. I would be grumbling quite a lot if I was responsible for cooking dinner nightly! I give you a lot of credit and I think you need a break from time to time! I stopped doing all of that in 2007 when my younger son graduated from high school and left for college! I think I am spoiled ! Love you

    1. Grandma Grace says:

      Oh, my sweet friend, you always build me up. Thanks for your kindness and support. I had a couple of days of disconnect from the internet in order to enjoy a visit with family. Sorry for the late reply. Hugs, L

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