Noticed, Thanked, and Valued

WEB K at WindowI was feeling discouraged and disappointed.  An advertising campaign I had put a lot of time and effort into hadn’t brought me the hoped-for clients.  Seemingly nothing I had tried was bringing people in the door.  Every day I was feeling more like a business failure.  Yesterday, I needed to get my eyes off myself, so I deliberately entered a door that would afford me the opportunity to hug two sweet friends on my way to the church auditorium.  One had given a presentation at a women’s business group I participate in and I wanted to thank her for doing such a good job.  One friend is my soul mate because she generously gives me moral and practical support and I wanted to get one of her heart-restoring hugs.  Her 9-year-old daughter was standing beside us as we hugged.  This very reserved girl surprised me by looking me in the eye and asking me a question.  “When is it me and my brother’s turn to come for pictures?”  I just about melted on the spot!  What could be a better affirmation for a children’s portrait photographer than to have a child request a portrait session?!  Her younger siblings had had a portrait session several months earlier, but she and her brother were in school and couldn’t come.  Now she was desirous of getting portraits of her and her brother. What a compliment!  The sincerity of a child is a sweet thing.  In that moment I felt so affirmed, valued, and desirable.  A few minutes later, two very active little boys gave me hugs and big smiles while we teased each other.  They also know me as the camera lady, and I’m happy to say that they, too, know me as a grandma kind of lady.  Later, a woman I admire because she lovingly cares for her handicapped husband and still finds time to serve others came up to me and thanked me for some portraits I had done for her and her husband.  Her daughter who lives overseas had come for a visit and had gratefully received the portrait of her parents.  Wow.  How kind the Lord is to bring water to a thirsty heart.  I needed to be reminded that altho at this moment, I’m not yet the entrepreneur I hope to be, I am contributing and connecting right now.  These are treasured relationships that I wouldn’t have had, had I not served them with gifts of photography. WEB20075charrev3

This may all seem trivial to you, my dear reader.  But my point is that we all crave affirmation.  We all want to be noticed, thanked, and valued.  On a human level, we don’t always get that, but we can always give that.  Who can you thank today?  Who can you reach out to and just show an interest in their lives?  Who can you affirm today by acknowledging their contribution to your life?  First on your list should be your family.  If you have a mother, giving her your time, attention, and gratitude will bless both of you.  And honoring her on Mother’s Day is a good place to start.  If you don’t have a mother, but you have a daughter, encourage her in her role as a mother.  If you don’t have a daughter, honor your daughter-in-law.  If you don’t have a daughter-in-law, make a special effort to encourage a single mom.  Don’t let this Mother’s Day pass without making a special effort to affirm and thank a mother.

Isn’t it a comfort to know that our Lord cares about our heart needs?  He notices us 24/7 and he provides what we need at just the right time.  We are never unnoticed, abandoned, or isolated from his loving kindness.  Not even when we mess up.

For God has said,
“I will never fail you.
I will never abandon you.”  Hebrews 13:5 quoting Deuteronomy 31:6,8WEB I will never fail you copy 2

Whether or not anyone else thanks us, we can be sure that he is going to thank us beyond what we deserve.  He is faithful to reward us both here and now and forever.  This is amazing, because it is only with his help that we can do anything of value.  It isn’t that we’re such nice people, it’s that his Spirit is working on us to motivate us and enable us to do good.  And then we’re rewarded for it?!  That’s a generous God!  Obedience equals blessing and he helps us be obedient.  Wow!  

“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”  James 1:12

He values us and keeps reminding us that he does.  In my business journey, one of my mentors keeps harping on the fact that we have to honor and respect our own time and skill in order to expect others to.  This got me to thinking about the times I make light of my time and gifts because I didn’t want to seem proud.  Yet in de-valuing myself, I’m not honoring the gifts I’ve been given, and therefore not honoring the God who gave them.  God, himself, is our example of how we should think of ourselves.  He cherishes us.  He values us so much that he gave his precious Son to buy us back from our slavery to sin.  He values us so much he calls us his children.  He values us so much that he is totally invested in us on a daily basis.  He loves to be close to us. He gives us gifts.  He gives us grace.  So shouldn’t we honor and value ourselves as his beloved?  This isn’t pride.  This is acknowledging that what God says about us is true.  Shouldn’t we honor and respect each other because God does?  

“May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.  For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son,  who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.”  Colossians 1:12-14WEBLy8charrev2

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  1. Sue Schreffler says:

    I am guilty of devaluing the gifts God has blessed me with. I, too, feel prideful and brush off compliments. Lesson learned.

    1. Grandma Grace says:

      One day I realized that I was being rude by not receiving the gift of a compliment. That person sincerely gave me a gift and I belittled it by brushing it off, like you said. I’m learning to graciously receive a compliment. I am thankful they feel that way toward me and I want them to know I appreciate them. Saying, “Thank you, that’s kind of you to say,” reminds me that it’s about them and making them feel appreciated. Sure appreciate you, dear Sue! Always good comments!

  2. Joy says:

    Your article was beautiful and not trivial in the least. We certainly all need and deserve affirmation in our lives which is sometimes hard to get. Your photos are magnificent and I wish I lived close enough to get my family photos done by you! Love,Joy

    1. Grandma Grace says:

      You, my friend, are so good at affirming me! Thank you! I know you do this for many others on a daily basis. I’d love to make you portraits of your Beautiful family. Maybe someday. Lovingly, L

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