
fun familyDid you notice what your friends posted on Facebook on Monday?  Those who were fortunate enough to celebrate Mother’s Day with family, posted photos of themselves with their loved ones.  Not many featured the gifts they got, instead, they were focused on enjoying their family.  They were savoring and celebrating.

Savoring and Celebrating.  Focus on being grateful.

Slow down for family and friends.

Savor the fleeting moments with those you love.  A couple of days ago we re-watched a short family video of one of our granddaughters when she was a baby.  Our daughter was wise enough to record her baby laughing hysterically at her older sister.  Six years later, we’re still getting a kick out of the silliness.  Soak in the times you have together.  If you can, record them so you can relive them.  You already know everything changes.  They won’t be this age long.  (Even as adults.)

  Appreciate the small blessings.

Notice the smells.  Were you given something that smells good for Mother’s Day?  Savor it.  I keep smelling the rose tea I was given.  I noticed recently how many times fragrance is mentioned in the book of Song of Solomon, that ancient love song.  I counted 23 times smell is mentioned.  Note to self: make sure to smell good.  Maybe rinse the vinegar out of my hair better?

Notice the sounds.  This morning when I was weeding, I took notice of the different birds making their unique sounds.  Maybe you’re musically gifted.  Take time to make music!

lavendarsmall2Notice the colors.  I have to smile when I look at the flowers blooming in my gardens.  Right now our lavender, iris, lupine, rhododendron, Jacob’s Ladder, and pansies are in full display.  Guess what they all have in common?  They’re all purple!  Ha!  I guess it shows that I love purple flowers.  Note to self- a little variety might be good.  Oh, well, the daisies will be in bloom soon.  

Notice the textures.  I’ve been up close and personal with some texture lately.  In fact, little slivers of the texture of bark chips have found their way into my fingers!  Our artichoke plants are a study in texture; the deeply carved leaves with serrated edges and the prickly fruit.  What textures are in your garden?  On your plate?  In your closet?

  Be grateful for the small wins.

I’m learning to be happy for the small things I accomplish today instead of focusing on what I didn’t get done.  Positive is way more powerful than negative.

I’m writing down the bigger wins of the week; not for self-inflation, but for gratitude.

Not all wins can be measured.  Relational wins are more lasting than work wins.  

Planning.  Focus on trusting God with the outcome. 

 WEB Wonderingrev “Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.  What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.”  Otherwise you are boasting about your own pretentious plans, and all such boasting is evil.  James 4:13-16

This isn’t to knock planning, it’s necessary.  These verses just remind us that we can’t control everything.  The final say is God’s.  Letting God be God brings peace and confidence.  Our future is in loving, powerful hands.

  I’m finding a weekly schedule is helping me to keep on track.  I’ve blocked out chunks of time each day for specific types of jobs.  “Blog” shows up on several day’s blocks!

  On a weekly basis, I’m writing three big goals and on daily basis, I’m writing the three most important tasks I need to accomplish, at least one of which is a small step toward the weekly goals.  Of course, I also write down the little things I need to do, like phone calls and emails.  But having three (or two!) main goals for the day helps me focus.  Focus is costly, tho.  It takes saying, “No,” to a lot of things so I can say, “Yes,” to those few truly important things.  Some days, ok, many days, I don’t exercise enough self-control to focus.

  Sun Wheat pnt copyI do set aside time for the people God has entrusted to me.  They are actually on my schedule as priorities.  I try to keep a broader view of what’s important.  Not just work.  I strive to value people above accomplishing my goals.

  I set aside time for Bible reading, inspirational reading, and prayer.

  I put buffers (margins) in my schedule.  I don’t schedule the whole day full.  I leave room for interruptions and for unforeseen circumstances.  This is a sanity saver!

Finding the sacred in the mundane. Focus on godliness.

  “You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?”  James 2:19-20

  “And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. . . Serve them sincerely because of your reverent fear of the Lord.  Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.  Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.”  Colossians 3:17,22-24

  sis-cakeMost of our work is just that, it’s work.  Not often glamorous, or in the limelight, but noticed by God.  The laundry, the meals, the childcare or elder care, the job, the conversations, the attitude all matter because we are doing it to honor God who will one day honor us.  Years ago I saw a plaque that hung near a kitchen sink.  It read, “Divine Services Held Here Three Times Daily.”  I love that because it’s true.  In caring for others and doing our duty (with dedication and enthusiasm) we are serving God.

We steer where we stare.  Let it be Jesus I stare at.  Focus on following.

  What it all boils down to is love God and love people.  These are the two greatest commands.  

“let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”  Hebrews 12:2

Did any of these resonate with you?  What will you do today to focus?

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