Help Yourself

heartmindsoulstrength-EncounterHave you asked yourself lately, “How can I help myself?”  This is a legitimate question that each of us should ask ourselves on a regular basis.  When we assume responsibility for own lives, we stop being a victim.  We also take pressure off our loved ones when we stop expecting them to provide for all of our needs.

What I’m not advocating is an I’ll-do-what-I-want attitude.  Caring for ourselves without thought for others is a recipe for disaster.  We won’t be happy without thriving relationships.

What I am talking about is discovering ways to help yourself be more healthy, be more fulfilled, be more spiritual, be more mentally challenged.

Take inventory of the stressors in your life.  Some stressors are outside our control, but many we have influence over.  Here’s a minor example from my life.  I have back and neck issues.  Two weeks ago I sat myself down and said, “How can I help myself with this issue?  I’m miserable.”  I started with the easiest and simplest ideas first.  I’ve done due diligence with medical professionals.  Is there anything I can do for myself that will help the pain?  Then an idea popped into my head.  I’ve been wearing the same shoes every day for close to ten years.  Duh!  Maybe my shoes are worn out and maybe they aren’t helping my back.  I’ve heard other people say that wearing tennis shoes/sneakers/running shoes with cushion and support has helped their back pain.  Hmmm.  Trying new shoes wouldn’t hurt.  No stores close-by, so I’ll look online.  Yikes!  The prices shocked me.  More investment than I’m willing to risk if it doesn’t work.  Husband needs materials at Lowe’s for our house.  Long drive, but isn’t there a Ross near the Lowe’s?  Hard for me to believe, but our kind Father actually cares about my minutia of daily living, so I ask Him for shoes I can afford.  I think He heard because I found not one, but two pairs each under $24.  One pair I only wear in the house and the other is for errands like shopping at Costco where you have to walk on concrete.  Guess what?  Noticeable improvement.

Such a small thing.  It got me to thinking.  How many times do I fail to see something I could do for myself to improve my circumstances?  Often times stress can be diminished by small changes.  What areas of your life are producing stress?  Mornings hectic and nerve-wracking?  Meal times frustrating and overwhelming? Why not brainstorm ideas to try?  Laying out clothing the night before for smoother mornings; meal planning, grocery lists and regular grocery shopping, for instance.  Why not try an idea today starting with the simplest first?

DevotedNow think of areas of your life that need some attention.  Maybe it’s your health.  Are you getting regular exercise?  What activity could you do that you actually enjoy?  Who could you do it with?  For me, having the neighbor’s dog as a companion made me enjoy walking more and therefore, I do it oftener.  Maybe you know you need to devote some time to your spiritual health.  When can you schedule time daily to read the Bible and pray?  I know this can’t work for everyone, but for us, first thing in the morning before we even get out of bed is our time to pray out loud together.  Now that we both are retired, Husband has time to read Scripture out loud to me after breakfast.  Then we often talk about what we have read.  We also attend two Bible study classes and church each week so we get input from others.  Could you listen to audio Scripture reading on your commute or during exercise?  How about joining a Bible study group?  Maybe you’re bored in spite of being busy.  What mental stimulation would you enjoy?  Learning a new skill or improving in your hobby?  Learning rarely happens in a vacuum.  Get instruction online or in a group that shares your interests.  I spend time every week watching video tutorials online and then practicing to become a better photographer and artist.

heartmindsoulstrength-companionHow about small things you can do for yourself that just give you a lift?  What small, healthy pleasures could you incorporate into your schedule?  Do you allow yourself a few minutes every day to look out your window and think?  Or stop just a few minutes outside to really notice the sights, sounds, and smells?  Do you celebrate the seasons by appreciating the changes in trees, flowers, sky?  Could you have some indoor houseplants to enjoy?  In warm months, how about outdoor hanging baskets of flowers you can see from inside?  Many people get a lot of pleasure from such simple things as watching the birds come to their feeders and birdbaths.  Other people unwind by gardening even if it’s only a few containers of flowers or herbs on their deck.  Pets can help us slow down and just breathe. Petting a purring cat on my lap is good medicine for me.  Relaxing with a hot cup of coffee or tea is a simple pleasure that renews us.  Maybe for you, it’s a 10-minute chat with a friend or family member that gives you joy.  Don’t forget that serving others is a proven way to give yourself happiness.  And many of these little pleasures are shareable with others!

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