Ever feel cold in your soul? You just weren’t that excited about reading your Bible, and praying didn’t seem to change the things you’d hoped for. Did you worry that you weren’t spiritual enough, whatever that means? Did you think you better whip up some spiritual fervor because you didn’t feel very close to God?…
College Friend: “Peanut butter and jelly again?” Dear Husband: “Yeah, we have them for supper, too.” Friend: “I like peanut butter and jelly.” Dear Husband: “I used to.” Friend: “Here, I’ll trade you. Take my student meal ticket and get lunch. I’ll eat your sandwich.” This pitiful/generous conversation occurred 52 years ago and dear Husband…
Peace and Quiet
Have you ever looked in the mirror and cringed? (Hand raised over here.) Did you know that God cares about our beauty?! We each have our own physical beauty- or did have! But there is a deep beauty that age can’t steal. In fact, age can beautify us! Cultivating a lifelong habit of trusting God…
See, Hear, Help
A few days ago, while at a ladies’ meeting at our church, a dear friend got word that her sister was close to death. The tenderness, concern, and affection given to her were sweet to see. Several ladies prayed aloud for her in her sorrow. Others cried with her, hugged her, and expressed their sympathy….
Joyfully and Gladly
Remember when you first fell in love with your mate? You thought about him when you were apart. You loved doing things together. Spending time with him was a delight. You talked about him to others and wanted them to meet him. You appreciated his good characteristics. You loved pleasing him. Giving him a gift…
He strutted into the exam room with a long, white lab coat and an attitude. He proceeded to lecture us and became defensive when we brought up evidence and experiences that contradicted his prideful opinions. Arrogance is ugly. We all dislike it and so does God. “As he (King Nebuchadnezzar) looked out across…