Since it was St. Patrick’s Day this week I thought about our visit several years ago to Armagh, Ireland where there is a great cathedral honoring Patrick. It is also the hometown of Husband’s forebears, so it was a doubly meaningful visit. I have to think that his brave, humble servant of God would have…
Keeping On
Recently a dear friend and I were commiserating with each other over our heartache for family members who have turned away from faith. If you’re like us, some people you love have shut God out of their lives. Our hearts ache for them. We may wonder why they can’t see what they’re missing by ignoring…
Good News
We got good news this week- repeatedly. It was such a lift; like the sun coming out after many days of rain. A granddaughter passed very important tests. Young friends were blessed with a job and an apartment. Then one of our sons gifted them all the furniture they could use. It was a win/win….
The Humbling
I had a reality check recently. I was trying on garments in a dressing room with a big mirror and bright lights. Ouch! My first thought was, “Oh, no! I didn’t realize it was this bad.” My second thought was, “My dear Husband sees this and loves me anyway. I should be so grateful.” Humility…
Knock, Knock
Ever feel cold in your soul? You just weren’t that excited about reading your Bible, and praying didn’t seem to change the things you’d hoped for. Did you worry that you weren’t spiritual enough, whatever that means? Did you think you better whip up some spiritual fervor because you didn’t feel very close to God?…
College Friend: “Peanut butter and jelly again?” Dear Husband: “Yeah, we have them for supper, too.” Friend: “I like peanut butter and jelly.” Dear Husband: “I used to.” Friend: “Here, I’ll trade you. Take my student meal ticket and get lunch. I’ll eat your sandwich.” This pitiful/generous conversation occurred 52 years ago and dear Husband…