The holidays are over. For many, it’s a bit of a downer. For some, there has been a blur of activity with too many things to do and not enough time. Quieter days are welcome, but it may mean just returning to the work week exhausted. For many, there wasn’t a flurry of activity, so…
Beautiful Christmas Art
It’s the day after Christmas. To light up your heart on a dreary day, here are some beautiful paintings of the events around the Nativity. Followed by a few of my photographs with the same subject. The angel Gabriel bringing God’s message to Mary. “…the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the…
The Wandering Fruitcake
These are short, busy days before Christmas, so here’s a super short, true story to read in a few minutes. Many years ago, when our family was living in a remote jungle area, a kind aunt decided we needed a Christmas fruitcake so we could celebrate the holiday properly even when half a world away….
Happy in God’s Favor
For generations, her people had looked for God’s anointed King to arrive. He would be of the lineage of Judah, a ruler like David who loved and obeyed God. But unlike David, this supernatural man’s rule would include the nations of the world. “The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from…
No Guarantees
Have you ever looked at older believers and assumed that because they know the Bible well, have served for many years, and have lived a godly life, they could pass any faith test? Or that you could? Have you ever looked at a young person in your faith community and made assumptions? They were…
Thanksgiving Images
Happy Thanksgiving! I know you don’t have time to read, so here are a few of my favorite Fall images before we enter the Christmas season. Each verse reminds us of what we have to be thankful for that lasts our whole lifetime and beyond! From the Lutheran prayer book: “Oh, give thanks to…