
What I learned from a 3:00am ER visit: On the one hour drive to the hospital in the middle of the night, I didn’t have to fight traffic. I did have to fight fear. We got fast, calm care. It turns out it wasn’t actually an emergency situation. . .  but blood scares me! We…


Did you ever hear a story that just hit you in a deep place?  This week a dear friend and I were texting.  This is part of her text: “It was September.  Lizzy [their natural-born  4-year-old daughter] had died in June. I needed to pick the older kids up from school but when I headed…

Long Love

“Some friend you are,” said his dad accusingly.  “Your buddy worked all day fixing your car and now you’re going to go party and ditch him because he doesn’t drink and carry on like you.” “Oh, no, Dad. I’m not going to leave him.  He has to come with us to be our designated driver.”…