Small Things

Have you ever stopped to think about how one seemingly small decision affected the rest of your life?  We know that small decisions build on each other to determine our outcomes, and sometimes we can actually point to one small decision that was the hinge on which a big door of opportunity swung.  Something that…

Little Things

Dear Husband has been waiting patiently for the Fall rains to start so he can sow grass seed on spots in our lawn where the grass was destroyed by small rodents called voles.  He has already carefully filled their holes with dirt, bought the grass seed and now just waits for the rains.  Normally, the…

The Little Things

        “Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things . . . I am tempted to think . . . there are no little things.”  author and advertising executive Bruce Barton “Little hinges swing big doors.”  W. Clement Stone       Eight years ago we were sitting at…