Prayer Peppered with Praise

When you’re feeling sad or discouraged what do you do?   1. Eat chocolate   2. Go online    3. Go shopping   4. Go for a walk   5.  Talk to a friend   6.  Clean   7.  Keep trying to do the task at hand, but get nowhere   8.  Pray   9. …


A terrible clatter. Crashing. I stop my phone conversation with a gutter installer and listen. The sound came from inside our under-construction house where my husband is doggedly working on wiring. The sound sends chills down my spine. But I hear another sound. Maybe his hole saw? He must be OK, just dropped something big….

Prayer and Prepare

“Hello.  This is your excavator.  I know I told you I couldn’t come until the end of October, but I have a few hours and wondered if I could come and work?  I’ll be there in about 45 minutes.” Panic!  We weren’t prepared!  There was construction debris to be picked up, the electrical conduit to…

Like a Child

“Jesus, I hope the kids want to make friends. And, Jesus, make this day the best day ever. Amen.”  Prayer of a four-year-old the night before the first day of pre-school. “Unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of God.”  Jesus quoted in Matthew 18:3 In her mom’s words, this…