Love Story

I love a good love story.  A real-life one is the best.  Maybe that’s why I like the story of Rebekah so much.  Rebekah’s tale started out sounding like a storybook marriage to a loving, wealthy, and godly man named Isaac.  You probably know the story of how this marriage made in heaven took place. …

Why We Still Like Each Other After 47 Years of Marriage

  “Hey, Honey, you don’t have any idea where our wedding photos are, do you?”  It’s our 47th anniversary today (Monday) and I’m beating myself up because our wedding photos are nowhere to be found. Husband is kind and offers to help me look for them.  We go to our well house where many photos…


Have you ever been doing something when time freezes and you sense a spiritual dimension?  I had that experience the day before yesterday.  Husband and I had driven to a large city in another state to meet with several dear friends we hadn’t seen in a year and a half.  We had met them eight…

True Love

Two heart-wrenching phone calls in one day.  A marriage flying apart.  An engagement languishing.  We ache from a deep place inside.  Sadness wants to swallow us up.  We flounder in a pit of sorrow.  Is there something we should do?  How do we think about this?  Did we contribute to these sad situations?  Soul searching,…