
  Cold, windy, grey day.  “But it’s late Spring.  It’s supposed to be warmer in late Spring,” complain  my cold ears, hands and knees as I kneel in the damp earth planting squash starts.  Things aren’t always what they should be.   I’m thinking the weather reflects the heart-wrenching message I got this morning from…

January Musings

At the start of a new year, we all desire to improve ourselves. May I share an insight that has helped me gain ground during the past year? I recognize that decision making is done moment by moment. Those seemingly small decisions made throughout each day are actually the small hinges that huge doors swing…

End of Year Musings

I’m realizing that each day is a new start. I’m not stuck as long as I meet each day with the desire to make good decisions minute by minute. I ask myself, “What is the next right thing to do?” My ‘To Do’ list written the night before helps me accomplish what I consciously decided…