
  I can remember one happy Christmas that stands out from the many sad ones.  I was in elementary school and my father was home for a few days from his out-of-state job.  Several years prior, after a heart-wrenching court hearing, my parents had been legally separated (the near equivalent of a divorce in those…

A Christmas Gift

On Friday, we had a fun dinner party at our house.  (That sounds fancier than it really was.  Make that a fun each-couple-bring-a-dish meal.)  After dessert, we each answered the question, “What gift do you remember from a Christmas past?”  Even though some of the stories were sad, I learned some important things by listening to…

Christmas Past

In my mind’s eye, I can see my family lining up in the vestibule of my aunt’s small, old home.  The youngest first, me, then my cousins, parents, aunt, and uncle take their places by age with the oldest last.  All the lights are off except for the Christmas tree I know is in the…

December Inspiration

  My husband read me a sad news headline this morning. (Aren’t most of them sad?!) It reported the death of a 44-year-old man weighing 980 pounds. He began over-eating at age 16 when he slipped into depression after the death of his mother. His health declined and he became bedridden due to his weight….