Better Photos- clothing for outdoor portraits

Taking photos of your family outdoors is a delight during beautiful weather.  What clothing colors are best? [pdf-embedder url=””]

Better Photos- In the Best Light Outdoors

We all love to relax outdoors in pleasant weather.  What better time for a portrait?  Just keep in mind that direct sunlight is harsh and unflattering to the human face.  Those dark shadows under the eyes and nose cast by the sun detract from the beauty of your subject.  Not to mention the squinting and…

Better Photos – In the Best Possible Light Indooors

It’s surprisingly easy to create stunning indoor portraits of family members with window light. Of course, it’s easiest to just grab my phone and take a slew of candid shots wherever my grandchild is. But just a little more effort gets me from ok to stunning. I have learned to see light. I notice how…

Better Photos – Toothless

Did your child (grandchild) sing, “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth?” this past December? If so, did you record a keepsake image of his/her condition? As a professional children’s photographer, I suggested parents bring the child to me for an excellent professional image at this once-in-a-lifetime age. What’s cuter than children…

Better Photos- Avoiding Background Interference

Mergers- the term for objects that intersect the subject Make it your habit to run your eye around the head of your subject in the viewfinder before pressing that button. Check for objects that intersect the person, called mergers, especially those objects that run into or through the head.            …