A Bright Spot in Your Day

Last week dear Husband suggested I make my next blog a little lighter.  As it turns out, we all need a bright spot now to offset the latest wave of tragedy in our nation.  So here are a few silly images and then some comforting images to direct our hearts and minds to our God…


Do you ever feel a bit dry?  You know, your emotions and spirit aren’t quite where they should be?  Do your heart and soul feel just a little dull?  Lukewarm?  Blah?  Ho Hum?  The other evening, I realized I hadn’t prayed since morning.  I hadn’t given God much thought during my day.  I didn’t enjoy…

Oh, Happy Day!

Several days ago we got the sad news that a pilot with the mission organization that we had served with experienced a fatal crash.  She lived where we lived and served the people groups that we served.  She was only 40 years old when her plane crashed into the deep lake at the end of…


 We can’t put our hope in things getting better.  They may or may not.  We simply don’t know if the virus will go away and not come back.  We don’t know if the economy will recover.  We don’t know if the post virus world will be the same as the world we knew.  (If 911 affected…

Connecting with Love

Yesterday we heard a quick knock on our front door.  When we opened it, there was a walkie-talkie on our door mat with a sticky note giving instructions for its use.  Our beloved neighbor boy was seen running home.  We then proceeded to chat for an hour.  You know what?  I got lots of chuckles, sweetness,…

Love Story

I love a good love story.  A real-life one is the best.  Maybe that’s why I like the story of Rebekah so much.  Rebekah’s tale started out sounding like a storybook marriage to a loving, wealthy, and godly man named Isaac.  You probably know the story of how this marriage made in heaven took place. …