Our new puppy is very mellow and calm. He’s easygoing and not perturbed by the loudest of trucks, guns, or fireworks. He likes kids, cats, and other dogs. He’s just a chill personality, until . . . I got down on the floor, got out an electrical massage pad and laid down on it. Puppy…
Sunshine and Shadow
On Saturday we did something that we always considered frivolous and sometimes secretly judged others for doing. We spent money on a puppy. With one exception every dog we ever owned was either from the animal shelter, was given to us, or was a stray. But something came over us. We recently had our…
Many years ago when we had a houseful of children, we were invited to our neighbor’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. Of course we brought part of the meal and afterwards, our hostess, our girls, and I were cleaning up. She had only one child and she remarked that this was a big job to feed…
Never Wasted
No suffering is wasted for those who trust God. A close friend got more bad medical news yesterday. Because her doctor didn’t do diagnostic scans before surgery, she has to have a second surgery more radical than the first. It’s so tempting to be angry and question why she has to go through two surgeries…
The Journey
A little girl was put on a train by her loving older brother. He promised that when she got to her destination he and her father would meet her and they would live in a new home where she would be very happy. Her brother kissed her and gave her into the care of two…
Hope on the Horizon
Hope is a powerful motivator. A close friend didn’t get the post-cancer surgery report we had hoped for. You can imagine my feelings when I got a text from her this week asking if I had a good book on Heaven. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized her wisdom…