Last week I needed to serve a client in a complex I was unfamiliar with and felt intimidated by. I was also a bit nervous because my back was giving me trouble and I wondered if I would find a place to park close to the building so I could more easily carry in all my gear. …
On Saturday we went to a memorial service for a 47-year-old wife and mother of two daughters in their early 20s. One of the girls came home and found her mother unresponsive on the floor. The cause of death is unknown. They had been an especially close family. Family, friends, and laughter often filled their…
50th Year Advice
As a child, I heard an old proverb repeated often in the Pennsylvania Dutch area I grew up in. “We grow too soon old and too late wise.” Now as an older adult I know this is true. I sure wish I had done things differently in my younger years, especially in my marriage. By…
Star Song
“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth . . . as the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?” The LORD speaking in Job 38:4 Last week the NY Times ran an article about black holes in space singing. I spent hours reading other sources and listening. …
Happy and Strong
My wise 92 year-old mother-in-law always says, “You can get bitter or you can get better.” We always have the choice as to how we will respond to what life brings us. It never ceases to amaze me how much value God places on giving us the freedom to choose. Ever since our first parents,…
Imagine standing in the Louvre art museum admiring a giant masterpiece created centuries ago by a famous artist. Suddenly someone dashes in front of you and throws a bucket of black paint all over the artwork! Horrified, you stand speechless as the dark paint runs down over the beautiful image. “So God created mankind in…