Did you know that God loves celebrations? In fact, he even commanded his people in Israel to come together and enjoy eating together and worshipping together. This blog will be short and sweet followed by pretty pictures. I know you’re busy, but I also know your soul needs food as much as your body. So…
He Rules!
You’re reading or listening to the news. Your heart aches, then your blood pressure rises, then you just want to shut it off. Chocolate sounds good. Did you know that reading/hearing the news can be an exercise of faith? Our natural reaction to the mostly bad news we hear is to be depressed, angry, and…
On the Journey
Ever had someone make a statement that you disagreed with, but it caused you to do some soul searching? Last weekend dear Husband and I were enjoying a serious conversation with one of our daughters who was visiting from out of town. It was one of those rare times that we had uninterrupted time to…
Good Things Ahead
We can get through just about anything if we have hope that better things are coming. Hope keeps us going. We look forward to the end of a bad experience and the beginning of something good. Every mother understands this principle very clearly. We all knew that labor and delivery would pass, albeit sometimes slowly,…
What Is God Like?
What a relief! It isn’t on me. It isn’t up to me. As I stumbled to the bathroom in the dark early morning, I ‘saw’ something beautiful. (Definitely not in the mirror!) Just as I groped past the sinks, it hit me. Instead of focusing on all the ways I fall short, I can look…
Unkind: “Why doesn’t she work on her appearance? Her hair is a mess and that outfit doesn’t do a thing for her.” Merciful: “Yes, her appearance could use some improvement, but she has a good heart and she has other priorities besides her looks.” Unforgiving: “He wasn’t there when I needed him, he was repeatedly…