When I was growing up in the 1950’s, it was common for wives to stay at home and take care of children. Of course, there were working women like my mother, but many women were content to be what we called housewives. It was socially acceptable and honored to be a woman whose main job…
Old Dog, New Tricks
We have a sweet young dog who is constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong thing. Sometimes his actions are just inconvenient like his knack for lying down exactly where he’ll be in the way. Other times his unwise actions put his life in peril- like running out into the…
Sparrows and Dogs
Dear Friends, as some of you know, I am having problems with the email sending platform that I use which sends you a weekly email with a link to the week’s blog. After many, many frustrating hours of troubleshooting, and random emails sent that I didn’t intend- sorry!, I’m still not sure you will receive…
Going to the Dogs
Dear Friends, as some of you know, I am having problems with the email sending platform that I use which sends you a weekly email with a link to the week’s blog. After many, many frustrating hours of troubleshooting, and random emails sent that I didn’t intend- sorry!, I’m still not sure you will receive…
Because He Came
For five years we lived on a certain island where for unrecorded generations they had been cut off from the rest of the world and had no knowledge of the Bible. Guess what their lives were like. Living conditions were abysmal. Education and medical care were non-existent. They used stone axes and hadn’t yet invented…
“. . . we find Mary, pulling out a special flask of expensive perfume from its hiding place. Probably a bit excited and nervous about what she was about to do. She was consumed with love for Jesus. She was filled with joy on account of Jesus bringing her brother, Lazarus, back from the dead. …