“Awas! Ada ular!” (Watch out! There’s a snake!). And as he spoke, with a deft swipe of his machete, he sliced through the snake. Dear husband was on a rescue mission to retrieve the pilot of a crashed helicopter in the jungle when an Indonesian companion shouted the warning and dispatched the threat. Whew! Hopefully,…
Weight of Glory
I’ve been writing this blog for eight and a half years. As far as I can remember, I haven’t missed a week. (Well, maybe one or two.) Each one was by God’s grace and faithful enablement. But this week, I couldn’t seem to pull a good article together. So please give me grace and enjoy…
Angels, Prophets, and Deep Secrets
This morning I noticed a neatly written list on our daughter’s kitchen counter. She: “I’ve made our evac (evacuation) list. I’ll just follow my list so I won’t have to think when I’m under pressure to get out.” Me: “Could you send that to me? I need to prepare, too.” A chill ran down my…
Don’t give that negative thought a home in your head! Warning lights should flash when you hear yourself say: “I’m stupid.” “I can’t do this.” or “I’m a failure.” God wants to replace those thoughts with better ones. “I’m stupid” Ha! I misspelled ‘stupid’ and ‘misspelled’ as I typed this! See? Our enemy uses any…
Baby Bird
I’ve been delighted this week. Great times just being with family over the holiday was a big part of my delight. What could be more fun than watching grandchildren running and playing with each other and our dogs?! Or a daughter-in-law glowing during her small business grand opening (with the help of her husband, our…
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about investments. Here are some things I discovered. I bet you have had similar epiphanies. Several months ago I did an assessment- an ROI (return on investment) of my business marketing. That was sobering! I had been spending chunks of every month for the past three years trying to…