Jungle Memories

While sheltering in place, Husband and I have found a fun activity to do at home that has given us chuckles and lightened our mood- looking at old family photos.  Our family photos are a bit novel because we lived overseas for ten years when our children were young.  The first five years we lived…

Have to or Get to?

It’s Valentines.  Do you feel you have to give or do something for Valentines?  Or do you feel you get to express your love and appreciation?  On the flip side, do you want your spouse to be an order filler?  Simply getting you what you demand in order to keep the peace.  Or do you want…


If God treats us with gentleness, patience, kindness, firmness, forgiveness, and love, shouldn’t we treat others that way? This past week two acquaintances deeply impressed me with their patience and kindness.  I needed to take a snapshot of a client in their home with their new wall portrait.  But when I called to ask if…

A Christmas Gift

On Friday, we had a fun dinner party at our house.  (That sounds fancier than it really was.  Make that a fun each-couple-bring-a-dish meal.)  After dessert, we each answered the question, “What gift do you remember from a Christmas past?”  Even though some of the stories were sad, I learned some important things by listening to…

Uplifting Conversations

This is a super quick read because you’re probably super busy today.  Did you know that giving thanks isn’t always just between you and God? Giving thanks also involves others.  Not long ago a sweet friend shared how God had intervened when they were house hunting.  They had decided to move closer to her daughter…

Come, Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest

Lately, I’ve been picturing what it would look like if I could see Jesus right here in my daily life. I see him beckoning when I’ve slipped into worry and over busyness.  He says, “Leave that and come over here close to me.  That worrying won’t do you any good, so just come over here. …