
  Why does last Thanksgiving feel like it happened 5 years ago?  Maybe because our lives have turned upside down since last Thanksgiving!  Nothing is the same as last year.  Then: we had a newly redecorated house, an established routine, knew where we fit and what to do, many long-term, close friends, but far from…

Holiday Sweets

The holidays are approaching and that means sugar. Lots of sugar. We Americans seem to be addicted to sweet things during the holidays. Halloween candy, Thanksgiving pies, Christmas cookies. I’m not here to suggest that you never have dessert, but it would be a good idea to eat healthier now so you can splurge in…

Eat Your Veggies!

Healthy eating is a hot topic.  All of us can improve in this area, but what should our goals be? My food goals are to eat 2 cups of veggies, 2 cups of fresh fruit and avoid sugar. So how many veggies should we try to eat a day?  The government recommendation is 2.5 cups for…

Looking and Feeling Better

Processed foods could shave years off of your life. A 2012 study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition found that people who cooked at home at least five times a week were 47% more likely to be alive after 10 years than the people who relied more on processed foods. Accelerated aging The facts:…

Summer Suggestions

Ah, Summer. . . time to relax.  Or so they say.  If you’re a mother of littles, you smile faintly when you hear this phrase and murmur to no one in particular, “Someday”.  Or perhaps you’re like me, even after all the children are grown and gone, you have never gotten the hang of relaxing. …

The Cold Facts about Cold Cereal

Slurp, crunch, munch.  What’s cuter than a toddler enjoying her bowl of cereal?  But would you feel happy if she were eating three chocolate chip cookies instead of cereal?  What if her cereal has the same amount of sugar as three cookies?! If you’re a mom or grandma and you’re reading this blog, I’m guessing…