Thud! Uh, oh. A bird must have hit our living room window. We don’t often see ‘cool’ birds at our house. Once in a while, we have beautiful bluebirds, but mostly we see crows, vultures, robins, and the ever-present sparrow. Was it even worth checking if the poor bird was dead or alive? Dear Husband…
Category: Inspiration
In Remembrance
Although it’s been many years ago, I still remember the class day someone asked out loud, “What’s today’s date?” Another voice answered, “June 18th.” Husband and I stopped mid-penstroke. I gasped and he was open mouthed. We looked at each other incredulously. We had missed our 8th wedding anniversary and neither of us had realized…
Happy, Happy
This will be a short, but heartfelt blog. We got home from a trip to a granddaughter’s wedding last night exhausted, but happy. Here are some lessons I learned- in no particular order: ~When family and friends care, they work very hard to make a beautiful wedding despite financial constraints. Love, hard work, resourcefulness, generosity,…
Good News
He slept on a human skull for a pillow. Other skulls lined his longhouse to protect him from the bloodthirsty evil spirits whom he had taken heads to appease. He believed hunting heads gained him favor from the evil spirits for his wedding, for good crops, and for health. He looked to his village…
This past week a dear friend’s daughter had a very difficult labor and delivery. During the long days and nights of labor, I prayed often for the mom. I kept thinking of the comforting verse: “He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother…
Tender Shepherd
For generations this comforting Psalm has been repeated. “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.” Psalm 23:1-3 The Old Testament is full of shepherd imagery. Jacob on his deathbed gave this testimony about God’s shepherding care over him: “……