Looking and Feeling Better

Processed foods could shave years off of your life. A 2012 study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition found that people who cooked at home at least five times a week were 47% more likely to be alive after 10 years than the people who relied more on processed foods. Accelerated aging The facts:…

The Cold Facts about Cold Cereal

Slurp, crunch, munch.  What’s cuter than a toddler enjoying her bowl of cereal?  But would you feel happy if she were eating three chocolate chip cookies instead of cereal?  What if her cereal has the same amount of sugar as three cookies?! If you’re a mom or grandma and you’re reading this blog, I’m guessing…

Weird Beauty Tips

I can’t say enough about silk pillowcases.  I love mine because I don’t wake up with creases in my face from my pillowcase.  I no longer have to go through the morning with my face looking like I just got up!  I also love my silk pillowcase because it seems to be better for my…

Better Eating

  I was waiting in a public place two days ago and had the opportunity to people watch.  What I saw saddened me.  Most people were overweight and lacked muscle tone.  Have you noticed?  Of course, extra pounds aren’t the only result of poor eating habits,  dark circles under the eyes and lack of energy…

Eat These for Beautiful Skin

We all yearn for glowing, healthy-from-the-inside-out complexions.  These foods will contribute to a great look.

Willpower and Dieting

“This means that in order to achieve long-term weight control you need to find healthy foods you actually enjoy eating, physical activities you like doing and spend your time making these as convenient and accessible as possible.” Dr. Darya Rose Neuro scientist, Dr. Darya Rose, gives some insight into the workings of our brains particularly…