Do You Exist?

We recently attended the funeral of a long-time friend. There was a lovely slideshow of many images of our friend with her husband, children, and grandchildren.  Lots of happy images of them interacting at birthday parties, vacations, and just life.  On our way home, I said to Husband, “We don’t have photos of us together…

How to Hang Art

These tips are adapted from Better Homes and Gardens website.  read it here “People have a tendency to hang art too high,” says Linda Crisolo, director of merchandising. “The center of the image should be at eye level.” In living rooms, people are usually sitting, so artwork should be lower. A good way to…

Diggin’ It

Many of you have followed our house building adventure for the past year plus.  You’ve heard me mention, ok, complain about the piles of dirt outside our windows.  Read here and Here  After almost a year of waiting, we realized that our original excavator wasn’t going to be able to come back.  I had been telling the…

Summer Activities for Kids

Whether you’re a mom or grandma, you probably have wondered how to guide your child toward constructive activities this summer.  For some of you, school vacation will end in less than a month, while others have until early September.  The point is; we have a limited amount of time with our kids.  So I’ve compiled…

The Little Things

        “Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things . . . I am tempted to think . . . there are no little things.”  author and advertising executive Bruce Barton “Little hinges swing big doors.”  W. Clement Stone       Eight years ago we were sitting at…

5 Ways to Kick a Bad Mood

Lately, I’ve had to do battle with a sour mood.  You know the feeling.  Little and big things just aren’t going as well as expected.  Discouragement raises its nasty head, doubts take a bite out of your resolve, that technology you need to master eludes your old brain, so many things to be done, but…