My Compassionate Friend

Today I asked a long time friend of mine what it was like working at a Pregnancy Resource Center for seventeen years.  In answer, she shared this story: A young woman had had a positive pregnancy test and had come in for a first-trimester ultrasound.  My friend, a nurse trained in limited ultrasound, took the…

Giving Your Teen a Boost Up

  School is about to begin.  I’m sure you have mixed feelings if you are a parent.  You’ll be glad to have some time for yourself,  but you’re wondering if you gave your kids enough good memories to last till next summer vacation.  If you’re a grandparent, you might be wondering how you’ll be able…


A few days ago Cuz called.  (My affectionate term for my cousin D.)  “Did you know that Cousin G’s house burned to the ground?” He had already let us know a few days prior that Cousin G and her husband had evacuated after a warning from a helicopter that an out-of-control Oregon wildfire was quickly…

Making Kombucha

You may not choose to brew your own kombucha, but maybe you’re a little curious.  I’ve been brewing kombucha for a couple of years and enjoy having on hand a healthful drink to enjoy for pennies. First of all, what is kombucha?  Perhaps you’ve seen it in health food stores, Costco and other grocery stores,…


This morning was the solar eclipse in our corner of the world.  We got to watch it from our peaceful, rural front yard in the totality zone.  Wow.  So thankful we got to experience this majestic phenomenon right at home.  Where did you view it?  What struck you about the experience?  Several things surprised me,…

In a Perfect World

A fetching photo of a teenage boy and his cow snuggled together for a much-needed nap at a state fair went viral this week.  Nothing unusual looking about the teen or the heifer.  What was winsome was the loving relationship so evident in the photo.  The image captured closeness and trust between the two.  Our…