Angel Help

Today we returned home from a week-long trip to visit one of our dear daughters a long distance away. An added benefit to our visits with our daughter and her husband and four children is that we spend nights with lifelong friends who live in our daughter’s vicinity. As we were sitting at their table in their…

Tis the Season! Gift Ideas

We’ve been visiting one of our precious adult daughters and her family who live out of state.  We got home today and jet lag has caught up with me.  My brain is slipping into neutral.  I’ve just completed a touching true story in the inspirational story for this week.  But writing the second article just…

Toward Dawn

I wonder why we celebrate All Hallows Eve, but forget about All Hallows Day, also known as All Saints Day? Many have difficulty believing in God, but few have trouble admitting there is evil.  No one can deny the darkness, the death, the war, the destruction, the loss in the world and in our personal…

Healthier Holidays

Alas, we have embarked on the holidays.  First, Halloween with all its sweet treats and empty calories, before us is Thanksgiving with its rich, calorie-laden delights, and then for the triple whammy, weeks of Christmas celebrations complete with cookies.  What can we do to prevent ourselves from gaining unhealthy extra weight? Improving the quality of…

Toward Adulting

I’ve been thinking lately about our life stories.  This week two of Husband’s childhood friends came to visit.  As they discussed their growing up years, the wife mentioned the difficult childhood she had.  Her alcoholic parents spent only one day a week with her, leaving her the other days in the care of people not…

Phone Photography Plus Halloween Photo Tips

It’s Halloween and it usually falls to the moms and grandmas to take photos of our cute lil’ creatures all decked out for fun. But it can be tricky. No pun intended. Here are some helpful tips for taking great Halloween phone photos. (Since I’m ‘that’ generation that struggles with technology, I decided to do…