
Two childless old people and a young unwed mother from a low-income family.  Not exactly power players on the world stage. No one could have guessed that they would change the course of human history.  You or I wouldn’t have picked these three to be in the forefront of a mighty movement. The old couple’s …

Leading the Way

Me, “I can’t believe I get to have a granddaughter that loves the same things I do!  She is happy to drive around the countryside taking photos, come home and bake, or wander around the Asian Super Market for hours.” Husband dryly, “Yeah, the Chinese are right.  Insanity runs in families.” Ever think about who…

When There’s Too Much to Do

Ever feel like there are 236 things swirling around in your brain? The sheer number of things you need to do has you flummoxed. You’re spinning your wheels in the mud of overwhelm as your clammy hands grip the wheel in despair. I can’t do your work for you, but I can remind you of…

Thanksgiving Meditations

May these lovely images and encouraging verses put a spring in your step today!  Thankful for you, dear readers!   Turkey photo credit Kalyn M.

Selamat Siang

The story last week about the young Asian couple’s first year in America to attend college got a lot of response from my readers.  Emails and blog comments all mentioned the encouragement that story was.  This week is the beginning of the back story of that young couple and how they entered our lives. “I’m just…

Advent Giving

  I came across this genius idea to help children learn to share and learn to declutter at the same time.  Such a simple idea, but I think you’ll agree it has merit.  Every day, put a donation item in a box which you deliver to a local charity before Christmas.  Your children can choose…