He Refreshes My Soul

Ever have a day when you just didn’t want to think too deeply?  No wrestling with heart issues.  No soul searching.  No dealing with heavy responsibilities.  Just do the easy stuff.  Coast along just this one day without concerning yourself with the battle.  Do the mundane or the urgent, but don’t attempt the spiritual heavy lifting. …


    I remember a day many years ago when our not-easily-moved-to tears teenage daughter was crying.  We hated to see her in emotional pain after breaking up with her boyfriend.  We were sad that she was sad, but we also were experiencing other emotions simultaneously – relief and hope.  We sympathized, but we felt…

Help Along the Way

Husband was a college student.  I had graduated and was supposed to be working to help get us by while he studied.  But I was in the middle of a difficult first pregnancy that had forced me to leave the job I enjoyed.  He had had to pick up the slack and work long hours…

Good News!

  This Friday is Good Friday, 2018.  Most people will go about their daily routine as usual.  I’m not knocking that.  I want to live every day with Jesus on my mind, not just a few holidays.  My heart cries out for him in the everyday of life.  Good Friday and next Friday and last…

Speak Up

“Don’t talk to me about that!” our granddaughter snapped as she crossed her arms and glared at me several days ago.  Flopping down into a chair, she fumed, “I don’t want to hear about it.” Our newly six-year-old kindergartner was dreading her solo poem recitation in front of an auditorium of parents just one evening…

Shepherd, Lamb, and Lion

Summer, 1955.  A single mom struggles to make a life for herself and her pre-schooler after leaving her unfaithful husband.  A shirttail relative takes her in until she can figure out what to do.  She decides to swallow her pride and go home to her recently widowed mother in another city.  She holds her head…