The Most Important

Relationships are the most important thing in our lives.   We are relational beings.   Since the first human walked the earth, it’s been clear that relationships are necessary for happiness.  God himself declared in the second chapter of the Bible, “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be…

Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength

Yet another business disappointment.  A scheduling conflict caused the postponement of a client’s appointment for two months. “I guess I’m being punished for not loving God enough.  I love doing ___________ so much that I must not be loving God enough,”  I blurted out to dear, patient Husband.  (What would I do without a soul mate to…

God Stories

Happy tears welled up in my eyes.  I was in shock in a good way.  Our lifetime friends were leaving our house.  They were already in their running car and I was bidding them goodbye.  I said to the husband, “Have as good a time as possible visiting your mom.”  To my utter surprise, he…

Spur Each Other On

Years ago we were sitting on our front porch taking a break in the tropical heat chatting with the father of our teenage daughter’s best friend.  He was reminiscing about his family’s long years in this primitive third-world country where we now served alongside him.  The stories began to flow and I’ve never been the…


The drone of the approaching small airplane drew a crowd of villagers to the dirt airstrip to await its landing.  In a remote jungle village, the arrival of the airplane provided a break from the monotony of daily life. . . a curiosity, a diversion, some free entertainment.  But when the new-to-the-area pilot climbed down…


Want to be happy?  Make someone else happy!  Happiness is a boomerang – you send it out to someone and it returns. Think of all those times when it just seemed like a lot of effort to make someone else happy.  But afterward, you were happier yourself!  We all know that making others happy makes us…