Noticed, Thanked, and Valued

I was feeling discouraged and disappointed.  An advertising campaign I had put a lot of time and effort into hadn’t brought me the hoped-for clients.  Seemingly nothing I had tried was bringing people in the door.  Every day I was feeling more like a business failure.  Yesterday, I needed to get my eyes off myself,…

We went to visit Husband’s parents and honor them on their 70th wedding anniversary.  Their home is a 3.5 hour drive through some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet.  While I was noticing the new Spring green, I thought of this passage from Song of Solomon.  It amazes me that the Lover of…

70th Wedding Anniversary

In a few days, Husband’s parents will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary.  It all started like this:  a seven-year-old boy encounters a six-year-old girl at a fishing hole.  He had met her briefly once before when her brother visited his brother.  But now, suddenly, here she was right in front of him with a snagged…

Why Easter Is Happy

“Dad, there’s a snake in the yard!  And it isn’t a worm.”  On an Easter many years ago when our children were little, we wanted to do Easter as we had in the States even though we had recently relocated to the other side of the globe.  So we hid eggs and had our own…

When You’re Happy and You Know It

My friend’s childhood was characterized by a dead beat dad who spent time in prison, didn’t support them, had a trail of mistresses, and engaged in illegal activity in her home.  She was in high school before she heard her mother tell her, “I love you.”  And even that occasion was initiated by the daughter….

Stop, Look, Listen

Poor Husband was hurting.  He had just had a root canal, but we needed groceries for a family celebration and Costco was close to the dental clinic.   After getting the needed groceries, we grabbed lunch in the food court.  Eating wasn’t fun for him, but to his delight, a little girl at the next…