I possess two tools that enable me to make treasures that will outlast my lifetime. Crafting with these two tools brings me hours of delight as I make keepsakes for others. I have spent thirty-five years learning and practicing this art. The two tools are my camera and my computer. About two and half months…
Author: Grandma Grace
What You Set in Motion
When I was in junior high, I loved to go to my best friend’s house after school. Of course, I could go home to the tiny, silent apartment my mother worked hard to provide for us, but she was working long hours and I was home alone a lot. So I’d much rather go home with…
I’ll Hold You
“You hold her, I’ll hold you, and God will hold me.” Altho we have known this couple for decades, it wasn’t until this past week that I heard this heart-wrenching story of their last hours with the little one they lost. The mother and I were standing in her kitchen chatting when she told me the…
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do
It isn’t always those major decisions, sometimes it’s the little decisions that steal your peace. Just the everyday choices that badger you with nagging doubt. What if . . .? Should I . . .? Which one? Maybe I shouldn’t have . . . Here’s a very mundane example. Husband and I have been gifted…
Why the Wait?
She had sat on that pew for 80 years. When she was a young bride, she had moved into the house next door to the church. Every Sunday she came to church and sat on that pew listening to the Scriptures with her heart. As her family grew, she brought them to church with her. …
My Shield
The surgeon was mystified. She had anticipated a 1.5 to 2 hour surgery to blast apart the large kidney stone and remove the bits. But at the beginning of the surgery when she inspected my ureter to locate the stone, she got quite a surprise. The stone wasn’t there. Gone. During the post-op consultation with Husband…