Happy Father’s Day or Not

  I’m so glad I can concentrate on Dear Husband on Father’s Day and not be held captive by sad, childhood memories of my father. Father’s Day can bring up painful memories for those of us who had difficult childhoods. But there’s something we can do to be free of the bitterness that can set…

Future Fathers

Several weeks ago dear Husband and I attended an awards ceremony recognizing the accomplishments of children who attended a Bible club. The children received simple awards for memorizing big portions Scripture. The ceremony included a slideshow of children who had participated in the program in years past. I was struck hard by the photo of…

Onward and Upward

You know the drill. You need to leave on a trip, but you’re suddenly overtaken by the driving desire to set your house in order. You see all the things that should be put away, cleaned, even organized. You begin what is affectionately known as the ‘death clean.’ What if something befalls you on your…

Why Whine?

I had to write about this topic because I needed to do a mental reset. I’ve been feeling resentful because God hasn’t answered a prayer I’ve been praying for several years. It isn’t even a spiritual kind of prayer. I’ve been asking for material blessings in my business. Not to get rich or even have…

6 Prayers You Can Pray No Matter What

A heartbroken high school girl kneels beside her bed and reaffirms her trust that God is with her even in the hour of her mother’s death.  A struggling college senior steps into the quiet of a chapel to beg God to make it plain to her if it was the right thing to break up…

Doing Good

When I was growing up in the 1950’s, it was common for wives to stay at home and take care of children.  Of course, there were working women like my mother, but many women were content to be what we called housewives.  It was socially acceptable and honored to be a woman whose main job…