My friend listened carefully to the mother’s fears and feelings. She offered the support of the Resource Center which could provide social services including help with finding housing, baby supplies, prenatal classes and parenting classes. But my friend had been trained to never pressure a mother for a decision. The decision was a private affair made alone. In the weeks following, a peer counselor checked on the mother and offered moral support. Sometime later, the mother returned to the Resource Center for back-up in her decision to carry the twins. On the day the sex of the babies was determined, a donor brought matching much-needed baby equipment in just the right color! After the birth of healthy twins, the help of baby supplies and personal encouragement from the center made for a smoother adjustment and everyone was delighted to hear that the housing and family situation had been resolved.
“I realized the mothers were hurting and often damaged women in need of being listened to. I could offer a listening ear. They are craving personal interest and care. I found that any truth, any compassion, any love has an impact.”
“I learned not to judge someone by their appearance. I learned to listen to their hearts. I remember being put off by a woman’s appearance and yet after listening to her heart, I was so attracted to her. We hugged before she left.”
“The first two years I worked as a peer counsellor on a volunteer basis.The last 15 years I have worked as a nurse trained in limited ultrasound. I did ultrasounds for women with a positive pregnancy test after they were 8 weeks along.”
“We served mothers by checking the viability of their unborn child. Checking for correct location of the fetus- making sure it wasn’t an ectopic pregnancy and recording the size of the fetus. If the mother wanted to see the ultrasound image, she could see the development of the fetus. Seeing their living, human baby encouraged mothers to carry their child in spite of often difficult situations.Many mothers were uninformed about fetal development. They simply didn’t know how the baby was forming in the uterus. Often they were surprised to see arms and legs, head, eyes, and beating heart. They assumed it was just a cluster of tissue.”
“Every single mother reacts differently. But in general there is a mother/child bond that is strengthened by the mother seeing the child via ultrasound.”
“Prayer is so vital to the continuing service of Pregnancy Resource Centers. We would appreciate a commitment to pray one day a month for the work of helping mothers and babies.Many people give their time to wash donated clothing and return it folded and ready to give away. Others take time to make up layettes, do diaper drives, do maintenance and repair on the building, or organize the clothing, diapers, formula, carseats, strollers, and supplies. Some big hearted women mentor moms who need someone to walk alongside them to become better moms.”