The Journey

A little girl was put on a train by her loving older brother.  He promised that when she got to her destination he and her father would meet her and they would live in a new home where she would be very happy.  Her brother kissed her and gave her into the care of two…

Not Alone

He: (sighing)  “You can never remember numbers.” Me: (calmly). “You’re right.  But I don’t need to because you’re so good at numbers.” Dear Husband and I are an example of very different strong points.  We could allow our differences to frustrate each other, or we can be grateful that we can make up for each other’s weaknesses.  Opposites…

Good News for the New Year

Have you ever considered the journeys of Mary and Joseph and how they resemble many of our journeys in life?  We all have unplanned, inconvenient journeys in our lives that we’d rather not take.   I’m sure you can think of times in your life that were hard and perhaps unexpected.  I can think of some…

Stumbling Behind in Mary’s Footsteps

I’m embarrassed to admit that I got sideways over several small Christmas preparations.  What’s worse is that these were first-world issues that I’m lucky to deal with while many in the world don’t have enough to eat.  But that didn’t prevent me from getting upset.  Because I didn’t plan ahead, our Christmas family get-together totally fell…

Nine Ways God Helps Us Overcome Worry

  I let one particular worry throw a dark cloud on my thoughts at least once every day.  The dread that this worry brings makes my stomach twist.  But I’m learning to identify the source of this worry. This isn’t God’s voice.  This fear-mongering is from my soul’s enemy who hates me and wants to…

I Accept

“I don’t like it.  I’m sad.  But I accept this.”  At first, I had to say it out loud every time I thought about how much I missed my kitty.  I said it out loud to help re-train my negative thoughts.  So many times in the routine of my day, I’d miss Kitty Mack.  The…