When Life Doesn’t Make Sense

His scream tore the early morning air as his body hurtled toward the rocks below. Just one misstep and his young life was snuffed out.  One minute he was preparing his ropes for rock climbing, the next he was dead. Today one of our adult daughters called and recounted this unexpected loss of her 19-year-old…

Shepherd, Lamb, and Lion

Summer, 1955.  A single mom struggles to make a life for herself and her pre-schooler after leaving her unfaithful husband.  A shirttail relative takes her in until she can figure out what to do.  She decides to swallow her pride and go home to her recently widowed mother in another city.  She holds her head…


My grandmother prayed every day for her wayward son, my father, from the day he ran away from home as a young teen until the day she died at age 90.  My mother also prayed for my father every day of her sad marriage/separation until the day she died at age 55.  I prayed for…

After Christmas Re-Do

After the busyness of the holiday season, it’s time to pull back and regroup.  For me, that means decluttering, then putting out a few white accessories mixed with plants and wood pieces to calm my space and my brain.  I think white is soothing.  (As long as it isn’t rugs or sofas!  I could never…